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My Spring/Summer blog 2021


What's been growing

over these spring months...

Wow, this is my first spring time with the tunnel and just how beautiful is this season, even though my birthday is around Easter I have never really noticed the beauty of spring. Not only do I have lots of beautiful daffodils but tiny Muscari and Fritillaria are making their way through the soil. 

I have been so busy planting and sowing seeds, nurturing some of my more developed plants and making new supports for my indoor beds - with help ofcourse. I have been having a great time watching all my little seeds develop, now I just can't wait to see them all flower and use them in my bouquets. My sweet peas are starting to climb up my adorable frame Dad and myself made, I have many more growing all scents and colours, my spring tulips, daffodils and ranunculus are starting to flower and life is flourishing all around. 

I have sown all types and forms of flowers, Alliums, Anenomes, Foxgloves, Peonys, Honesty, Poppies, Stocks, Nerine, Delphiniums, Echniops, Dahlias, Aster, Cosmos, Ammi Majus, Sunflowers and so much more. 

I've been enjoying keeping the tunnel tidy, with the strimmer (It's my new best friend) and mower, Peter rabbit has kept away from my spring bulbs around the polytunnel so I have taken the fence down, now it looks super neat and tidy. I have planted my developed Peony's outside and my Delphiniums are well on their way to flowering. 

I will be ordering in some nice grasses and I can't wait to incorporate lots of textures into my posies.

I have lots more planting to do but oh how fun is it watching those tiny seeds develop. 

My Spring Time Video 

Check out what I have been up to in my new 'Spring Time' video. Everything is developing nicely and I am learning so much each season... I am loving the spring months but I can't wait for the summer, the long hot days, and the endless flowers. Thank you for following my journey. Much Love Rozz 

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